Hospice Counselling

Hospice helps people live as fully and comfortably as possible during their final days, weeks, or months.

For emergency hospice palliative care, call 905-667-1865

Choosing hospice means accepting that death is on the horizon while creating an environment that gives as much life as possible before that moment.

The term “hospice” refers to end-of-life care services — it is a holistic approach provided by a professional, accredited, and interdisciplinary team for clients with one year or less to live, as well as their caregivers and loved ones.

Our counsellors provide psychosocial and emotional support, information, education, and advocacy that enables individuals and families to manage, cope and prepare for end-of-life. It is the next stage of health care that seeks to maximize as much life as possible before death.

How hospice counselling helps

Having conversations about end of life-planning can be difficult but with the skillful support of our counsellors we help clients know what to expect.

With so many options and decisions to be made, our counsellors help by talking through the tough stuff, like funeral planning, wills, resuscitation status, and end-of-life wishes.

Counsellors provide resources and advocate for clients when navigating the healthcare system.

We rely on donors to thrive

Explore the many ways you can show your support for the work of Hospice Mississauga.

Or call 905-712-8119