Hospice Mississauga Services and Programs
24/7 Hospice Palliative Helpline: 905-667-1865
Hospice Counselling
By listening and learning what is important to you and your family the goal of our team is to help you live well. We offer one to one and group programs, in home or in office. A variety of options to meet the unique needs of the different people we serve.
Grief and Bereavement
At Hospice Mississauga we understand that each griever is the expert of their unique grief experience. Foundational to all healing in grief is building a community of support while developing a self-care and self-compassion practice for overall resilience for life.
Social Connections
We are all connected, and that’s never more clear than when we are at the end of our life and grasp most fully what really mattered and what really counts. People in supportive relationships are better able to cope with difficult times, stress, anxiety, and depression. Social connectedness can also help create trust and resilience for caregivers, too.
Support for Children
Whether you are a parent looking for, information on how to talk to your children about illness or, support for family as you live with illness, dying or death, HUUG (Help Us Understand Grief) can help. We can also provide education to schools and community organizations to help them build more supportive and compassionate environments for grieving children and families.
HUUG (Help Us Understand Grief)
The Help Us Understand Grief (HUUG) Program provides short term supports and counselling to children, youth, and families living with serious illness, dying, death, and grief. Like all of our services offered at Hospice Mississauga, HUUG is available to families at no cost.
A number of things affect how you feel including sleep, nutrition and stress. Changes to these and other areas can positively (or negatively) impact overall wellness. Hospice Mississauga offers a number of wellness programs to help you improve your overall health and wellness.
Spiritual Care
At Hospice Mississauga, spiritual care professionals offer a safe space to explore thoughts and feelings with the assurance of confidentiality. They are present with individuals and families in a way that invites the client to find his/her own spiritual path.
Volunteer with us
Volunteers are the heart of our mission to provide compassion, support, and advocacy that lessens the distress of serious illness and loss on individuals, families, and the community.
We rely on donors to thrive
Explore the many ways you can show your support for the work of Hospice Mississauga.
Or call 905-712-8119